Power BI ja SmartAccounts liides

Interface between SmartAccounts and Microsoft Power BI

on 26.03.2024

The cornerstone of every company’s success is adept financial planning. This indispensable process assists in establishing an effective business strategy and enables well-informed decision-making.

Developing an effective financial plan and regularly updating it can be complex and time-consuming, hence the importance of employing the appropriate tools. With this necessity in mind, Future Finance has introduced an interface between SmartAccounts and Microsoft Power BI.


What is Microsoft Power BI?

Microsoft Power BI is a comprehensive suite of business analytics tools designed for data visualization and analysis, offering a transparent view of a company’s current standing. Its main objective is to support businesses in making decisions based on data, by highlighting key trends and patterns. Power BI seamlessly integrates with various data sources, including Excel spreadsheets and cloud-based databases, enabling the aggregation of all vital data in one location.


The Future Finance Interface between SmartAccounts and Power BI

Future Finance has engineered an interface connecting SmartAccounts with Microsoft Power BI. Although this interface can facilitate a broad spectrum of reports, certain scenarios particularly benefit from Power BI’s capabilities:

  • Project Management: Provides a clear insight into the revenue and expenses of each project, enhancing project management effectiveness.
  • Cash Flow Forecasting: Enables accurate forecasting and management of cash flows.
  • Budgeting and Actual Results Comparison: Assists in the preparation of budgets and their comparison with actual outcomes to identify and adjust discrepancies.
  • Consolidated Overview: Offers management and a comprehensive overview of multiple companies in a single location, including a cross-company perspective.
  • Data Integration: Links financial data with other essential information, whether it’s housed in Excel or another database.
  • Report Sharing: Facilitates the sharing of crucial financial reports with investors and other stakeholders.
  • Financial Reporting Automation: Streamlines the financial reporting process, reducing the need for manual data entry.

If any of the issues listed above sound familiar, or if there’s a specific report your company needs that is currently too difficult or time-consuming to generate, exploring the interface developed by Future Finance might provide a solution. The use of Microsoft Power BI could be the answer to these challenges as well.

For more detailed information about the interface and to view the pricing, please visit the Future Finance website.


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SmartAccountsInterface between SmartAccounts and Microsoft Power BI