Not just for accounting

A software that predicts your cash flows right on the front page – doesn’t that sound convenient?

A smart and synoptic front page – cashflow forecast, company’s situation today, last transactions, debts

Shows balance with business partners (prepayments or obligations)

Unlimited users and flexible rights system

Sales and invoices

Creating client invoices with SmartAccounts is super easy. Using the default settings, you can get your first invoice out in minutes.

The software also offers a lot of invoice customization options.

  • Design invoice PDF templates to suit your personal needs;
  • Email invoices straigt from the software;
  • Omniva e-invoice center interface;
  • Client and invoice level reference numbers;
  • Customer account statements.

Offers and orders

If your sales process starts with composing an offer, SmartAccounts has convenient options for you.

  • Shape the appearance of the document as needed;
  • Create orders and invoices from offers with a push of a button;
  • Use statuses and internal comments;
  • Add attachments and email offers straight from the software.


Entering purchasing invoices is convenient and fast. There's no need to enter recurring purchasing invoices separately – just copy the previous invoice and change as needed.

  • Upload files connected to invoice;
  • Import invoices via e-invoices;
  • Import invoices from Omniva e-invoice center.

Outgoing and incoming payments

It takes just a few clicks to record payments of invoices.

  • Quickly mark open invoices as paid;
  • SmartAccounts can read account statements from all major banks operating in Estonia;
  • Export payment orders to bank;
  • Print slips for cash payments.


A powerful integrated payroll system - no need to pay for additional payroll software or transfer data between two systems.

  • Worker registry with contracts;
  • Vacations and absences;
  • Configurable payout types;
  • Integrated payroll calculator;
  • Payroll slip for all workers with two mouse-clicks.


An overview of your warehouse inventory is always just a few clicks away.

  • Warehouse quantity shown in article list;
  • Support for multiple warehouses;
  • Option to sell goods before they arrive in the warehouse;
  • Reports for warehouse movements and inventory;
  • Stock accounting by FIFO method.

Fixed assets

SmartAccounts has convenient built-in possibilities for fixed asset management.

  • Fixed asset registry;
  • Calculate depreciation as needed: every month, every quarter or every year;
  • Depreciation report.

Taxes and declaration forms

Major tax declaration forms can be exported from the software and uploaded straight to e-Tax.

  • KMD with appendix 1 and appendix 2;
  • VAT declaration with custom settings;
  • TSD with appendix 1;
  • VD and MOSS declaration forms with data.


Of course the software has all major financial reports - a balance sheet, an income statement and a cashflow statement. There are also countless additional reports, arranged conveniently under one menu item.

  • Main reports: balance sheet, income statement and cashflow statement;
  • Support for custom objects in all main reports;
  • A short overview of liabilities right on the front page;
  • Several dozen additional reports (purchasing, sales, fixed assets etc.).

Other possibilities

SmartAccounts isn't confined by the above possibilities.

  • Supports Estonian and English;
  • Help texts for every page;
  • Automatic FX rates;
  • New possibilities added constantly.
  • Connected services:
    • API – link any software solution with SmartAccounts
    • Finbite – invoice management solution
    • Scoro – business management software
    • ShopRoller –  eCommerce solution
    • Envoice – expense management software
    • WooCommerce – eCommerce platform

Swedbank Gateway

If you have an account in Swedbank and you wish to get information about transactions on your bank account automatically, you can activate the Swedbank Gateway service.

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LHV Connect

If you have an account in LHV Bank and you wish to get information about transactions on your bank account automatically, you can activate the LHV Connect service.

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SEB Baltic Gateway

If you have an account in SEB Bank and you wish to get information about transactions on your bank account automatically, you can activate the SEB Baltic Gateway service.

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Scoro is a professional business management software product which helps you track sales, manage projects and clients but it doesn’t have accounting. If reinserting all your sales and purchase documents created in your business management software to do your accounts seems tedious, then you need to link SmartAccounts to your Scoro account.


Envoice is an expense management software for teams of any size. Integrating Envoice with SmartAccounts allows you to send your purchase documents directly to your accounting without extra hassle. Don’t waste your time finding the date on the restaurant bill from your latest business lunch – let the software do it for you!

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With SmartAccounts API you can link any software solution with SmartAccounts. You need API when:

1. you’d like to activate the link to Envoice, WooCommerce or ShopRoller

2. you’d like to develop the link yourself.

Read more (pdf)


ShopRoller is an Estonian eCommerce platform which SmartAccounts is also linked with. Integrating these two allows your online store to ask for warehouse inventory from your accounting and send sales documents directly to your accounting.


WooCommerce is one of the most popular eCommerce solutions out there and if you are looking for a solution which links your online store directly to your accounting then the SmartAccounts plugin for WooCommerce is just the thing for you.

Download plugin here.


To send and receive e-invoices more efficiently you might consider activating Finbite‘s invoice management solution. It’s all about saving you time to do more important things than manual data entry.


Saago is data driven facility maintenance software for managing workflows, properties and devices. Saago makes it possible to automate building and equipment maintenance schedules, streamline human work and accounting and generate price offers on one software platform.

Accounting is easy

SmartAccounts offers you the best possibilities.

Raivo NobelFeatures