Annual report

On the annual report page, users can create the annual financial report and download the XBRL file. All companies whose account settings comply with our default settings can compile the report. For all report forms, both the income statement and a balance sheet are generated (the cash flow statement is not included).

Generating the report

Report type

  • Micro enterpreneur
  • Small enterpreneur – OÜ
  • Small entrepreneur – AS
  • Non-profit

Micro enterpreneur
Micro enterpreneur’s report can be chosen by a private limited company if the company meets all of the following conditions:

  • Total assets are up to 175 000 euros
  • Liabilities do not exceed equity
  • The company has one shareholder who is also a board member
  • Sales revenue is up to 50 000 euros

Small enterpreneur – OÜ
Small enterpreneur’s – OÜ report can be chosen by a private limited company that meets at least two of the following conditions:

  • Total assets are up to 4,000,000 euros
  • Sales revenue is up to 8,000,000 euros
  • Average number of employees is up to 50

Small enterpreneur – AS
Small enterpreneur’s – AS report can be chosen by a private limited company that meets at least two of the following conditions:

  • Total assets are up to 4,000,000 euros
  • Sales revenue is up to 8,000,000 euros
  • Average number of employees is up to 50

Non-profit association
There is no need to choose a form for the non-profit association report.

The reporting period

  • Users can select any of the company’s financial years (Settings – Financial years)
  • By default, the financial year before the current one is selected

Downloading the XBRL file

  • To create the report, press ‘Generate’.
  • The file can be downloaded by pressing the ‘Download’ button.
  • The file contains the balance sheet and income statement displayed on the screen.
  • The file contains only the report period. Note: When uploading the file to the Business Register, the user must select the “Report period only” option.

Report rows

The values of the report rows are rounded to the nearest euro, ensuring that the summed rounded amounts of subgroups equal the rounded amount of the main row. Irregularly rounded rows are marked with an asterisk (*), and hovering over the value with the mouse cursor provides an explanation. The rounding ensures that the profit for the reporting year in the balance sheet matches the profit for the reporting year in the income statement.

Updating Existing Company Report Settings

To enable existing companies to compile their annual financial report files, we have made some minor modifications. These adjustments ensure that the companies’ report settings are more precisely aligned with the reporting requirements outlined in the accounting legislation and the business registry rules. Changes that have been made are displayed on the report creation screen, and clicking the link allows users to view them.

All newly entered companies automatically receive an updated account plan with the revised report settings.

We made the following changes to the report settings:


New rows:
B1150 Short-Term Biological Assets
B1211 Investments in Subsidiaries and Associates
B1250 Long-Term Biological Assets
B2240 Short-Term Government Grants
B2340 Long-Term Government Grants
B2512 Unregistered Share Capital
B2555 Other Equity
K1110 Changes in Inventories of Agricultural Production
K1120 Profit (loss) from biological assets
K1710 Significant Impairment of Current Assets 
K2350 Interest Income

Deleted rows:
B1211 Shares in Subsidiary Undertakings
B1212 Shares in Associated Undertakings
B1210 Long-Term Financial Investments
B1219 Total
K2000 Financial Revenue and Expenses
K2900 Total Financial Revenue and Expenses
K2500 Profit/Loss from FX Rate Changes

Changed descriptions:
Other Shares and Securities -> Long-Term Financial Investments
Unregistered Share Capital -> Unpaid Share Capital

Accounts and new rows
31031 Interest > K2350 Interest Income
41131 Interest Expenses > K2400 – Interest Expense
31041 Profit for FX Rate Changes (Financial Investments) > K2600 Other financial income and expense
41141 Loss from FX Rate Changes (Financial Investments) > K2600 Other financial income and expense
10810 Shares in Subsidiary Undertakings and 10830 Shares in Associated Undertakings >B1211 – Investments in Subsidiaries and Associates



New rows
B1150 Short-Term Biological Assets
B1211 Investments in Subsidiaries and Associates
B1250 Long-Term Biological Assets
B2240 Short-Term Government Grants
B2340 Long-Term Government Grants
B2512 Unregistered Share Capital
B2555 Other Equity
K1025 Profit/Loss from Biological Assets
K2350 Interest Income

Deleted rows:
B1211 Shares in Subsidiary Undertakings
B1212 Shares in Associated Undertakings
B1210 Long-Term Financial Investments
B1219 Total
K2000 Financial Revenue and Expenses
K2900 Total Financial Earnings and Expenses
K2500 Profit/Loss from FX Rate Changes

Changed descriptions:
Other Shares and Securities -> Long-Term Financial Investments
Unregistered Share Capital -> Unpaid Share Capital

Accounts and new rows:
6050 – Other Financial Income – Bank Interest > K2350 Interest Income
6040 – Profit from changes in FX rate (financial investments) > K2600 Other Financial Income and Expenses
6041 – Loss from changes in FX rate (financial investments) > K2600 Other Financial Income and Expenses



New rows
B1150 Short-Term Biological Assets
B1211 Investments in Subsidiaries and Associates
B1250 Long-Term Biological Assets
K2650 Interest Income

Deleted rows:
B1211 Shares in Subsidiary Undertakings
B1212 Shares in Associated Undertakings
B1210 Long-Term Financial Investments
B1219 Total
B2511 Unregistered shareholders’ equity
K2500 Profit/Loss from FX Rate Changes

Changed descriptions:
Other Shares and Securities -> Long-Term Financial Investments

Accounts and new rows:
31031 – Interest  > K2650 Interest Income
41131 – Interest Expenses > K2700 Interest Expenses
22212 – deleted

Company specific report settings changes

We are adding a notification to all affected reports to inform users about the specific changes made to a company’s settings. This is aimed at increasing transparency and providing users with clear insights into the adjustments that affect their reporting process.

Unused report rows and accounts

The report page will display a list of report rows that did not make it into the final report but had values during the reporting period, either directly or through formulas. Information will also be displayed about any accounts that lack a corresponding report row, which as a result may potentially not be included in the report.

User rights

For a user to access the annual financial report page, they must be assigned the user right ‘Reports – Annual report’. Permissions for user groups can be modified on the ‘Settings – Users and groups’ page.

SmartAccountsAnnual report